A woman dances joyfully infront of a rainbow

What are you prioritising?

What are you prioritising?

So many of us put our mental and physical health at the bottom of the list of priorities, without realising they are the foundations upon which success is built.
We plough hours and hours into work at the expense of quality sleep, or eat cheap convenience food at the expense of fueling our bodies with good nutrition. Clients often say how they’ll ‘sort it out’ later, and then later I hear how they wish they’d sorted it out earlier.
If your mental health hits rock bottom, and your physical health reaches breaking point from a lack of adequate self care, then everything else that you’ve built upon it while ignoring the signs of weakening from below, will tumble.
Don’t put it off. Find some small action each day that is a little more than the day before. Walk a little further. Learn a little more about what foods serve your body and which foods harm it.
Anything more than nothing is success.
And don’t forget to have some fun while you’re at it!
What do you enjoy doing that you’re not making time for? What did you used to love, but no longer give yourself permission to indulge in? Did you put old hobbies aside because you thought you were ‘too old’ for them or worried what other people might think?
I recently received the message in several forms (In meditation, in a particularly amusing dream, in a helpful conversation with a friend) that I should dance more. While I used to get my dancing needs sated at night clubs in my younger days, those days of dancing until the sun comes up are way behind me.
But I miss it! I really do. So I’ve been putting music on in the morning, and dancing like, as the saying goes, there’s nobody watching. Except my cat and my dog are. And my son, who refuses to join in. It sets me up for the day, it gets me moving. It makes me laugh.
Seek out something that brings you joy, even if just for a moment.