Are your Beliefs Running Your Business
Beliefs are held in the subconscious. And a lot of our beliefs are held so tightly and so deeply by the subconscious, that we don’t even realise we have them. And yet, they are absolutely fundamental to the way that we function in our businesses.
Your beliefs dictate the way you live, the way you think, feel and act. Your beliefs dictate your success.
Everything that’s showing up in your life, can be traced back to your beliefs. Where your business is – where it isn’t – is managed by your subconscious and what it believes is safe for you.
Which is why you have got to address this directly and work on reprogramming your subconscious beliefs. Then you will see real world shifts happening for you in your life and business. And I am NEVER talking superficial mindset stuff here. I’m never talking ‘fake it ‘til you make it’ and ‘just think positive’. I’m talking really, down and dirty deep work on your inner workings.
A New Way of Working
It’s a new year, you need a new way of working it. If your desire is to grow your business this year then you have to look at what your brain has been programmed to believe about yourself and your possibility for success.
Maybe you believe you don’t deserve money? Or you’re not worthy of success? Or that it’s not for people like you? Maybe you believe that you’re not good enough to make it big, or that making it happen can only come at the cost of fight and struggle?
We are programmed to believe that we have to be perfect, and that anything less than that is not good enough. We have been programmed to look at other people and compare ourselves with them. We believe that we are not good enough, and so we work to the point of breaking in trying to be better. We believe that there is not enough money or clients to go round, so we operate from fear and close down to collaboration and community. We forgot how to trust ourselves and instead learned to rely on others and now feel lost.
These are normal, totally unhelpful messages that sit beneath the consciousness of business owners, keeping them from becoming as successful as they could be.
Re-Write the Rule Book
To shift these beliefs, you have to get access to the rule book where they’ve been written – in the subconscious. You have to re-write the rules. Re-write them to say that you deserve abundance, that what you have to offer is valuable, that you can work at your own pace and comfort, that you can collaborate with others without losing business, that you are good enough. You are good enough for this.
When you’ve shifted that, when your subconscious has unlearned the old rules and taken on the new, everything in your life and your business can begin to change. Possibilities and opportunities will show up everywhere. You’ll experience greater ease, flow and abundance. You’ll feel like your work is less heavy, less frustrating. You’ll charge what you’re worth, and be comfortable with people saying no. You’ll get your services or your products out there, without feeling consumed by fear and anxiety.
And it’s going to feel fantastic.
Victoria is a Cognitive Hypnotherapist and Business Coach with more than a decade of experience working on changing subconscious patterns and programming. She works online and offers free consultations. Visit her hypnosis for business website for more information.