Tips for improving your self-hypnosis session

Tips for improving your self hypnosis session

  • Start with an intention for your session. Pick a goal to focus on. This could change each time you do self-hypnosis, or you might choose to focus on it for a number of sessions. For instance you might choose to focus on feeling more relaxed under pressure, or on feeling confident in front of the camera.
  • Keep a journal. Note down what your focus was on, how long you did self-hypnosis for, and any challenges that you found. Also, keep a note of any insights that might spontaneously pop up from your subconscious!
  • Schedule a regular time for your practice. You can do self-hypnosis at any time of day, but if your schedule it in then you’re more likely to stick to it.
  • As with most things, consistency is key. So keep up a regular, daily if possible, practice. This might only be 5 minutes, or it could be 20 or 30. As you practice and gain experience, you’ll feel more comfortable and figure out what works well for you.
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment. There are many different techniques that you can use in self-hypnosis. I’ll put more up here, but you can also simply explore your own inner ability to visualise and create plans for success.
  • Be comfortable, but not too comfortable. You don’t want to fall asleep.
  • Use a recorded self-hypnosis session. There are a lot of great apps such as Calm and Headspace, that can guide you through specific challenges until you have the confidence yourself.

Tips for crafting self-hypnosis suggestions

Tips for crafting self-hypnosis suggestions

  • Make your suggestions personal and meaningful to you.
  • Suggestions can be generic for overall performance enhancement, or specific to something that you wish to address.
  • Phrase your suggestions in the present tense. For instance, say, “I am achieving all that I set out to achieve today”, rather than “I will achieve all that I set out to achieve today.”
  • Phrase your suggestions in the positive. For instance, say, “I am confident talking to new people”, rather than “I am not scared of talking to new people.” Or, “I feel relaxed as I work”, rather than “I am not stressed about work.”
  • Keep them within the realms of reality! So you might say, “My business is growing and I welcome the growth”, rather than, “I earn £1million this year.”
  • Be enthusiastic as you say them to yourself, say them with conviction and be in agreement with them in all of your senses. Allow yourself to feel what it feels like for them to be true as you say them. Remember, this is about changing yourself, so if it feels uncomfortable to do this then that’s great – as it means you’re doing something different. And that is change!
  • Repeat the suggestions several times. Find different ways to word them that ultimately mean the same thing.


Some ideas that might give you inspiration

  • I attract money with ease
  • I am worthy of success
  • I speak clearly and confidently at the presentation today
  • I attract my ideal clients to me
  • I always do more than expected
  • I believe in my ideas
  • I always find a solution
  • I enjoy the challenge of achieving my goals
  • My performance is improving all the time
  • I love what I do
  • I feel confident making social media videos
  • Wealth and abundance flows to me
  • I feel easy and playful
  • I notice opportunities to grow my business everywhere

How to do simple Self-Hypnosis

How to hypnotize yourself

There’s a huge scope for the use of self-hypnosis, but at the very core of it there’s a simple process anyone can follow. You are in control at all times, you are choosing to do this so choose to engage completely, enthusiastically and positively with the experience. And remember, if at any times you do feel uncomfortable (unlikely!), you can simply open your eyes to end the session.

The Four Basic Steps

  1. Find a comfortable place to sit and give yourself a few moments to settle in
  2. Close your eyes and guide yourself into a more relaxed state
  3. Give yourself positive, enthusiastic suggestions related to your goal
  4. End your self-hypnosis session and return to full alertness

Step One: Find a comfortable place and take a few moments to settle down

Choose a time and place where you aren’t going to be disturbed. I recommend sitting in a comfortable seat rather than lying down, as you don’t want to fall asleep. Preferably keep your legs and arms uncrossed, your hands and feet not touching. Consciously notice and let go of any tension in any of your muscles, so your shoulders might drop, your hips might soften, the muscles of your face might loosen. Soften the focus of your gaze and give your breathing a minute or two to settle down after getting into position.


Step Two: Close your eyes and guide yourself into a more relaxed state

Closing your eyes shuts out all of the overwhelming visual stimuli that flood your brain each second. Tell yourself that you are going to go into hypnosis, that you are looking forward to it, that you are in control and that you are going to respond to all the wonderful suggestions you’re going to give yourself.

There are lots of different methods for guiding yourself into a more relaxed state, or a ‘deeper’ state of comfort. Here I’ll explain the progressive muscle relaxation method. Simply start at the top of your head and imagine that you are releasing any tension found in each part of your body as you scan down through your neck, shoulders, chest and torso, through your arms and fingers, down through your hips, thighs and all the way down to your toes. You can visualize or imagine the sensation of that tension dissolving and your body being left feeling deeply pleasant and comfortable.

Remember, the goal isn’t to completely zone out. It’s to get to a nice comfortable starting point where you are more relaxed than you were, and comfortably focused on your inner world.


Step Three: Give yourself positive, enthusiastic suggestions related to your goal

If you have followed mine – and your own – instructions so far, you’ll be more relaxed and more focused. Again, you need to forget the misconception that hypnosis is about being completely out of it. You can say to yourself something like: “I am quietly focused on my own inner experience, and am now in hypnosis.”

And you are now in a great state to turn your attention towards the suggestions that you would like to give to yourself for self-improvement. These suggestions should be simple and clear, formed in the positive and given with enthusiasm and conviction. They should be personal and significant to you. It’s also a good idea to keep them within the realms of reality! You might prefer to prepare these before your self-hypnosis session, but it is also interesting to see what powerful ones come up for you while you are hypnotized.

Here are some examples (based on business, as that’s my bag):

I am confident in my ability to make money

My business is growing and I welcome and am ready for it

I see opportunities to grow my business everywhere

I attract my ideal clients to me

I eat healthily and I notice the increase in energy that give me

I love making videos for social media

As you say these to yourself, agree with them and feel the power of your intention behind them. You can even visualize what they look, sound and feel like to achieve. Repeat them and really enjoy the feeling of them.


Step Four: End your self-hypnosis session and return to full alertness

When you have given yourself the suggestions and you wish to end your self-hypnosis session, tell yourself that you are coming out of hypnosis and will count from one to five, and by the time you reach five you will be fully alert, refreshed and ready to open your eyes and carry on your day.